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Manage meetings with the least possible friction

Manage meetings with the least possible friction

“Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything.”
Dave Barry a US writer/humourist.

“People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.”
John Kenneth Galbraith Canadian writer/humourist.

“A meeting is an event where minutes are taken, and hours wasted.”
Thomas Sowell American writer/economist.

This Newsletter deals with meetings in a general way with some helpful, strata-related links.

Meetings evolved from Westminster procedures, similar to procedures adopted by parliament and corporations.  “Self-governing organisations follow parliamentary procedure to debate and reach group decisions-usually by vote-with the least possible friction.”

Listen to the Federal Government Question Time for tips on how not to conduct yourself at a meeting.

The most well-meaning people find it difficult to manage meetings with “the least possible friction.”

We are by nature emotional beings and at times it is difficult to take criticism in our stride without striking back. This is often exacerbated when one holds office voluntarily. To get best results, I suggest remaining restrained and focused, keeping emotions and personal views in check.

When confronted with difficult people, resist buying into their agenda. It takes time and practice to develop these skills. Mr Google is there to help at the press of a button for anything meeting related. This includes calling a meeting, adjourning, running it smoothly as well as meeting and dealing with critics.

Strata meetings are also based on the Westminster system and are partly codified by the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (“SSMA”).  Knowledge of general meeting procedures remains essential to properly traverse the procedural pathway.

Strata meetings are mandatory see Part 2 Division 3 SSMA

All stakeholders in an Owners Corporation should attend meetings. “One man’s meat is another’s poison.” Meetings are meat not poison and  are an “indispensable” tool to the proper running of an Owners Corporation. You will never achieve 100% turnout, but numbers can always be improved if meetings are run efficiently and not used as a soap box.

One way to improve numbers is to poll those that do not attend and communicate with them explaining why it is in their interest to do so. You may get to first base and get them thinking that they should attend.

Reasons people don’t attend meetings: –

  • Can’t because the conflict with work time
  • Tired after a day’s work
  • Time poor
  • I have better things to do with my time
  • Meetings take too long
  • The content is boring
  • There is too much discussion of minutia
  • The venue is a problem
  • The chairperson is a bully
  • No one is interested in what I have to say
  • I don’t live there as my apartment is an investment

A few suggestions: –

  • Prepare the agenda properly and serve it well in advance
  • Notes to the agenda are helpful (you can usually anticipate questions) 
  • Create an agenda template (these can be modified from time to time)
  • Before the meeting invite written questions or contributions to the motion before the meeting.  By way of example, when holding an Annual General Meeting, in your agenda include “All queries relating to any the particular motion (i.e. budget motion) be submitted in writing 48 hours prior to the meeting”
  • Manage the meeting by the “clock” – maybe have a time keeper
  • Open the meeting with reminders of time constraints
  • Remain focused and keep people who speak on a motion to the point and put time limits in place (hence our reference to Question Time – which has time limits).
  • Keep a list of attendees
  • Keep a list of non-attendees
  • Read agenda items in advance to avoid surprises
  • Monitor discussions on the Motions
  • If discussion is not relevant to a Motion on the agenda, invite the speaker to send an email so that it can be addressed by the committee following the meeting and politely cease the discussion.
  • Consider the suggestions in this link – 7 Habits of Highly Effective Meetings

Remember knowledge is power. Whether you are a lot owner or strata committee member you all have an obligation to know the law. Well run meetings lead to well managed buildings which, in turn, lead to better “bang for your buck”.

Next Newsletter – Meeting Procedures under the SSMA
Schedule 1 of the SSMA details with meeting procedures of an Owners Corporation. I recommend you read the Schedule which we will explore in more detail in our next newsletter.


The 80/20 Rule – By Zoran Mustac – Dalmata Marketing

The 80/20 rule predicts 80% of business’ sales/services are derived from 20% of a customer base, your key clients. If key clients leave, business suffers. New key clients take significant resources and time to win.

Explore Prospects at various stages of development and align Sales and Marketing for the benefit of attracting new clients.

Marketing drives client engagement, regularly producing valuable content e.g. case studies, industry trend reports, client surveys, delivered through marketing campaigns, email and social marketing. Sales team feedback is critical to developing relevant and impactful content. Timing is essential “the right message at the right time”.

Lead scoring is attaching a score to a Prospect’s engagement with your content (e.g. an email, downloading white paper or a survey) and increases trigger new marketing activity encouraging Prospects.

Positive interaction with marketing indicates a prospective client may be approached- if they look they may buy.

If Marketing delivers Hot Leads, Sales teams have a better chance of converting Prospects to clients.

When a “sales accepted lead” is provided to Sales they know it qualifies to their standards and is ready for a sales push. This means the Sales Teams only chase hot leads and Marketing nurtures the balance of Prospects. This continued marketing success energises Marketing and Sales.

About Zoran

Further Information:
Marketing Automation – The What How and Why

Marketing CoPilot Service

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